In keeping with its strong commitment to Catholic Christian teaching, St. Rose of Lima Catholic School has created an environment that encourages an awareness to the presence of God. God is our number one subject. To aid students in developing an active faith-life, St. Rose of Lima Catholic School offers daily prayer and religious instruction to its students at each grade level. Religious instruction provides knowledge of the Catholic faith including lessons on the Bible, the Sacraments, the Commandments, Catholic Church history, and prayer.
The school begins every day with prayer during Morning Assembly and hosts weekly school Masses, on Thursday and Holy Days of Obligation. St. Rose of Lima Catholic School students also observe Eucharistic Adoration as well as seasonal observances such as the Living Rosary, Vocations Awareness, Advent Masses, Lenten Masses, Stations of the Cross, and May Crowning services. All students attend a Lenten retreat organized by grade level teams.
Middle School students participate in at least one day of spiritual retreat each year. All Middle School students are welcomed to our campus during a Bible Mass, in which each new student receives a Bible to lead them during their Middle School years and a memorable bookmark lovingly created by their families.
The moral and character formation of students is a priority at St. Rose of Lima Catholic School. Thus, service to others and to the community is an essential part of the curriculum. Each grade level participates in service projects during the year, as well as school-wide service projects. Examples of our service projects include:
Catholic Schools Got Talent competition in conjunction with the Archdiocese
Operation Valentine, students make and deliver Valentines to veterans
Blessing Bags, students assemble bags with food and necessities for the homeless
Can-struct-o-rama, which collects non-perishables for our Food Pantry
Rice Bowls, raise funds which provide food for the orphaned children around the world
Creating placemats for the Kolbe Prison Ministry
Collecting school supplies for other schools in need
Volunteering at Parish and community events
Partner with a high school for a veterans project during Catholic Schools Week
Making gifts and cards for residents of area retirement homes
Through these and other projects throughout the year, students at St. Rose of Lima Catholic School students are given the opportunity to share with others the gifts they have to offer. From operations in our own backyard, to aiding the community, and sending help across the world, we try to live every day and do what we can for the glory of God.
Middle School students are called to even greater acts of service through a Lightshine program and Beta Club. Lightshine meets weekly with all Middle School students to further their spiritual health, give students an outlet to create and perform service projects they are passionate about, and to foster spirituality of communion within the students. Beta Club encourages and rewards academic achievement, promotes those qualities of character that make for good citizenship and teaches members to lead by serving others.