Parent Teacher Organization

Did you know that as a parent of a current St. Rose of Lima student, you are automatically a member of our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)?

ALL school volunteers must be certified through CMG Connect to volunteer on campus

Ways to Get Involved

Classroom Volunteer Opportunities

Sign up for these will take place online. Please look for the link to sign up from your homeroom teacher or at the PTO table at Meet the Teacher.
Read more

PTO Volunteer Opportunities

We have committees for various SRL and PTO events. If you aren’t ready to take the lead, committee members and chairs are needed. Read more

School Event Volunteer

Volunteers are needed throughout the school year. Opportunities are available during the school day, evenings and weekends. Signups are shared in Thursday’s Cardinal Corner.

Upcoming PTO Events

Monthly Spirit Nights

Participate in these events, make sure to mention St Rose at checkout and a portion of your sale goes back to our school!

February 11th - El Tiempo (290 location)

March 18th - Chick Fil A (Northway Center)

April 8th – BB’s Tex-Orleans (34th & Ella)

May 8th - The Claw Arcade Heights

May TBD - Valencia’s Tex Mex

PTO Meeting

February 7 , 8 AM

Hear from PTO Teacher Grant recipients. Sip Society will serve coffee/tea

Used Uniform Sale

February 13 , 11 AM - 4 PM

In SRL Parish Hall. Used uniform collection: Jan 20-25, outside school office.

Save the Date

May 5 -9

Teacher Appreciation Week. Details coming soon!

Follow the St Rose of Lima PTO Facebook page to connect with other
families and get updates.

PTO Executive Committee 2024-2025


Carol Osterhaus

Vice President

Carrie Short


Michelle Mier


Amy Shields

Early Education Chair

Allison Smith

Elementary Chair

Marisol Miranda

Middle School Chair

Rosie Davis

Hospitality Chair

Julia Craig

Fundraising Chair

Alizabeth Vasquez

Committees Chair

Lyla Wooten